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The Heart Circle Installation

The Five Ways of Being can be thought of as an operating system through which any school, community or organization can become a ‘WE-powered’ creative

heart-centered environment.

Tej Steiner, Greet Heylen and our team of facilitators help groups install The Five Ways of Being into their culture. With these relational intentions in place, a group can rapidly create social resonance and tap into their emergent intelligence and creativity. This will play an increasingly crucial role in answering the questions of today. The group becomes an accelerator of wisdom and well-being.

The amplified group field can be used to:

define and manifest shared dreams 

find multi-perspective answers to complex questions

connect with stillness as the source of creativity

invent projects and prototypes that come from a place of deeper connection


use embodiment practices and expressive arts to come to new answers

We are particularly passionate in working with progressive organizations, schools, and communities doing work in any area related to cultural transition, regeneration of biodiversity, and climate action. We are eager to collaborate with social pioniers.

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